How to Declutter Your Stuff and Make a Positive Impact

DTSP-declutterTidying up may seem like a chore. Depending on how much you have to declutter, it could either be a walk in the park or take several rounds. What if decluttering was more than just getting organized? How would you perceive things if you knew that the stuff in your home you’re not using can …

5 Ways Travel Will Make You a Better Person


With social media, anyone can document their adventures through YouTube videos and Instagram photos. I’ve probably “liked” enough photographs of journeys I would have liked to take myself. How tempting it is to be an armchair world traveler!

Don’t get me wrong, it’s definitely inspiring and I thank those who’ve posted their adventures so I …

How to Be More Productive in the Information Age


You’d think with technology to assist us, living the daily grind and having work / life balance would be much easier to achieve. Often times, it’s not. With instant access to information 24/7, it may seem like you can’t just “turn it off” and being “on” is the only way to stay productive and on …

Military Turned Mamapreneur Juggles Full-Time Business with Full-Time Life


The decision to leave a situation that no longer works isn’t always an easy one. It takes courage to take that leap of faith as opposed to staying in a comfortable situation, such as a job or relationship, that’s not congruent with one’s values or long-term vision.

We have to ask ourselves the big questions …

5 Ways to Keep Small Spaces Clear and Decluttered

I remember when I used to live in the city how small the spaces were. Keeping things clear and tidy was a big challenge. I also had to make sure that if I brought something into the space, something would come out – otherwise the apartment would look like an episode of Hoarders with all …

7 Benefits of 80/20 Decluttering

Everyday we’re distracted by technology and the bright shiny objects that cause us to lose our focus. Having an 80/20 mindset can help simplify everyday life immensely.

What is the 80/20 Rule or Pareto Principle? Well, think about it this way. Some things in life aren’t meant to be measured equally. Based on the …

Holiday Recap: How We Keep Sane and Zen-Organized

While every holiday season is an absolute reason to celebrate, it doesn’t come without some stress. It’s a very busy time with work, family obligations, travel and keeping one’s awareness in check with what’s going on in the news. Not to mention it feeling like crunch time because it’s the end of the year and …