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5 Ways to Keep Small Spaces Clear and Decluttered

I remember when I used to live in the city how small the spaces were. Keeping things clear and tidy was a big challenge. I also had to make sure that if I brought something into the space, something would come out – otherwise the apartment would look like an episode of Hoarders with all the brown cardboard boxes and junk lining up the walls. Fortunately it never got to that point. I could always tell when space was getting cramped.

First of all, more accumulation of stuff often meant there would be more dust bunnies to clear. With more dust meant that I wouldn’t be able to breathe as well and would start getting some allergies. Second, I’d get that claustrophobic feeling. Once I’d noticed clothes jamming up drawers or dishes overfilling the pantry, then I knew it was time to get rid of things. Otherwise, I’d have to get more organizers for stuff that was rarely used anyway.

Here were some ways I maintained order:

1) Rethink buying habits.
One new thing in meant one old thing out. If I ever went out shopping, I had my list on a post-it note. (The smaller paper size meant less number of items which meant less stuff.) I kept impulse shopping to a minimum. With the city came distractions in the form of artistic, eye-catching window displays. I’d allow myself the chance for inspiration but avoided going into a store unless I actually needed something.

2) Remember why you got the things in the first place.
Why did you get them? What did you use them for? Having a deep sense of gratitude for what you already have will help you see that you have enough. It will also help you realize you don’t need that much stuff to make you happy. It’s the people and experiences that usually bring value. Just look to photo albums or pictures and videos on your iPhone. Those are the people who matter and the things that inspire you.

3) Just start.
You could either go room by room, starting with the most pressing area in need of a clean up. I usually start with the bedroom closets as clothes are the easiest for me to toss out, and go from there, but you can start with whatever room works for you. You could also start with the smallest room first, knowing they’ll take less time to organize, then move on to the larger rooms and schedule more time and enlist extra helping hands if needed.

4) Have a system for papers.
These have a tendency to pile up easily. I’ve always kept a small recycling trash can for junk mail nearby. Vertical mail organizers or letter trays are great for organizing this, as well as ottoman seating that doubles up as hidden file folder storage.

5) Have a place for often misplaced items.
The list below are huge culprits:
• Keys
• Wallets
• Bags
• Glasses
• Mobile phones and tablets

The entryway always had a charging station along with organizers for all these items. Keys hung on the wall or thrown in a bowl. Wallets and purses had their dedicated place on top of a small entry table. Glasses were in eyeglass cases in one particular drawer.

With these five things in mind, you should be able to keep your small space tidy. This will help make you feel less stressed and more calm knowing where things are when you need them.

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