World Domination Summit 2015: Highlights from a First-Time Attendee

How do I even begin to write about this four-day event?

To even THINK I could write about the whole thing — I’d totally be kidding myself. On the other hand, it would be great to remember some of the highlights and provide some of the pros and cons for those thinking of attending.


5 Reasons We Have Household Clutter

Enter any typical American home and you’ll find clutter. What’s the reason for this? First, we’re generally not aware of it. It seems like half the time we’re so into our own mental head space and daily routine. We’re thinking about things like what we’re going to have for dinner, projects at work that need …

Consistency Means Showing Up For the Habits

One thing about tennis I’ve learned is that by the time you play a match, whether it’s in a tournament, a contract or league, it’s too late. And what I mean is it’s like the final exam. You should have done your homework and gotten your practice in. It seems like you are either in …

How to Prepare for Family Road Trips

Every time you go on a road trip, you pack way too much stuff – especially if you have children, pets or both. At times it seems better to overpack than underpack because at least you have everything on hand. The downside: dragging everything with you is a pain. Wouldn’t it be nice to travel …

The Best Writing Advice

Who knew that something as simple as writing could lead to other discoveries and opportunities? That could be any type of writing, whether it be for a journal, blog post, article, op-ed, or copy for social media outlets.

I love books and feel I grew up with them. In my childhood home, my parents had …

How to Get Back on Track with Good Habits

You’ve fallen off the bandwagon. What do you do? You get back up again, right? Even if it feels hard and you’re feeling embarrassed and guilty. You may not think it matters. But it does matter because once you let yourself slip, it’s easy to allow yourself to slip up again and become the opposite …

3 Ways To Deal With Your Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) on Social Media

I’ll log onto Facebook with the intention of going in and out. Before I know it, more than 20 minutes have passed and I realized I just got sucked into the vortex of other people’s lives and neglected to get things done on my own “To Do” list. I simply didn’t want to miss out.…

Overcoming Decision Paralysis: Should Women Take Shopping Cues From Men?

Are women’s lives programmed to be complicated? Do we let outside influences dictate decisions resulting in cluttered minds, homes and closets?

I won’t lie. I love being able to choose among many options at the store, whether it’s a cheery, colorful home accessory or a stylish, functional handbag. Simple things like these are a special …

10 Ways Your City Home May Begin to Feel Like the Suburbs

Moving to the city from the suburbs (or countryside) can seem like such a huge lifestyle change. You’re going from a much slower to a much faster pace of life. You’re used to seeing only a handful of people but now see a massive amount of people everyday.

It’s like the difference between being at