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048: Nicole Liloia: From Accidental Entrepreneur to CEO Ladyboss

You know the old saying, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”? That’s exactly what my next guest did in transitioning from social work to entrepreneurship. Frustrated with the bureaucracy of the system, she decided to strike out on her own, and the rest, as they say, is history! Not an overnight success for sure and NONE of my previous podcast guests were overnight successes. If they were, they probably wouldn’t be on the show. What I really like was the honest break down on the kind of habits and productivity hacks she put into practice regularly to get to where she is today.

But, before we get into the conversation, we would love to hear from you! We plan on mixing up the show format within the next few months, to address your frequently asked questions, as well as any tips or tricks you may have implemented from the show that’s worked well for you. So yes, we’d also LOVE to air your success stories or questions that would help the Simply Designed Life community.

Connect with us over at where you could find the link to the Simply Designed Life Facebook page or direct message us your questions or success stories relevant to the show.

Who is Nicole?

Nicole Liloia provides strategy and mentorship to women entrepreneurs who want to scale their business and income through multiple income streams. After suffering severe burnout in the non-profit world and refusing to ever return to a 9-5, she took time to travel and volunteer in South America. She started her first business in 2013 and has been helping women stop wasting time and start making more money since then.

Nicole got her master’s in Social Work at Columbia University and has written for Forbes, Huffington Post, and MindBodyGreen.

She’s obsessed with entrepreneurship, women becoming wealthy, Apothic wine, and never misses a Taco Tuesday. A former city girl (NYC to be exact), she knows what it’s like to live a hectic, go-go-go lifestyle and feel like you’re not truly alive. When you feel “busy” all the time, you can’t really enjoy life. So, she’s made her mission to help women like you slow down, reclaim their lives and fill them up with things that truly matter.

Quotes from Nicole

On Delegating:
I think a lot of women really struggle trying to take too much on and feel like they need to learn how to do everything if they have a business. And as a result, they get really stuck and they can’t grow. And they honestly get very overwhelmed and that’s where the burnout comes in. Because there are so many things in my business that I love but there are so many things in my business that I don’t love either and I’m not good at and I don’t think I need to become good at. There are people who are much better at it than me and I don’t need to be the best in all areas (8:04). 

On Goal Chunking:
I have a very unique strategy and I actually use this with my clients as well as with my masterminds and programs. It works really well. I get very clear on the goals. I start with goal chunking. So I have a big goal for the year. Usually a big income goal. And then I chunk it down by the different programs and services I want to sell and work on throughout the year, and then based on that I have an overall focus for each month. So maybe it’s new client sign-ups, maybe it’s new list growth because I’m working on visibility and things like that. I get motivated by numbers so I do it that way. And then I use the overall smaller monthly goal to create my 3-5 most important action tasks for the week. So those are the things that I know that are gonna help me hit my goal and help my business grow, so I make sure to make those a priority at the start of the week. (14:01)

#1 Biggest Takeaway
Do the stuff that scares you. Do the tasks that are at constantly at the bottom of your ‘to do’ list that you’re writing over and over again. You know, reach out for the podcast interviews, submit the guest blogs, ask people to work with you. Even in your personal life, have that difficult conversation because even if it’s really scary and you feel blocked around it, once you do it, you’re gonna be open to so many new things. (20:05)

What You’ll Learn

  • Her transition from social work to business strategy mentoring
  • How she got out of her comfort zone with experiments
  • The best ways to delegate in an online business
  • Batch tasking as her #1 productivity tool



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