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046: Prerna Malik on How to Avoid Shiny Object Syndrome

I, like everyone else can be prone to shiny object syndrome, especially when it comes to online courses and offerings that look so appealing and is bound to help me do great things in business or life, like become more productive, create the perfect sales funnel, have stellar content marketing so you could grow your business and live in the beach like what’s portrayed in the Four Hour Workweek. Funny enough, I spotted a lady reading that book with its red and orange cover (must be the newer version) while at my son’s basketball clinic.

Living in the attention economy, a term coined by Matthew Crawford, time is not only a scarce resource but so is the attention from the person whose time you want. So how does go about minimizing the distractions and focusing on what truly matters? What’s the return on investment for the attention that you give the product or service being promoted to you? Find out this and more on this episode of Simply Designed Life.

But, before we get into the conversation, if you happen to be in the Philadelphia area the last weekend of April, I would love to connect with you! I’m presenting at the BlogConnect event April 29. Registration details are at

Who is Prerna?

Prerna Malik is the co-founder of Content Bistro where she serves up finger-licking conversion copy to time-starved entrepreneurs.

She has mastered the recipe for copy that balances persuasion and personality with the powers of conversion science ensuring that you get high conversions and profitable launches easily and effortlessly. She’s based in India where she lives with her family.

Quotes from Prerna

It makes a huge impact not just in terms of the money that they make which is great of course, but also the freedom that they have to focus on the things they really enjoy. The emails that I get that make me the happiest, ‘Oh my gosh, I’m so glad I didn’t have to spend the mental energy doing this.’ I was so happy to hear that, it means that you are operating in your zone of genius and I’m making that possible, how great is that! (12:29)

The one thing that’s worked for us is ensuring that whenever we do a course or sign up to do a course, we know exactly what we want out of it, and then dedicating time to actually going through the course. (16:47)

Evaluating ROI that you’ll get from a course will be really helpful in guiding your courses future purchase decisions as well. (18:15)

You just need to start. You just need to take that first step. It’s scary, but doing it is just so worthwhile. If there’s a project you’ve been thinking about, if there’s a new business idea, if there’s a course you want to launch, I think you need to just get out there and take action on that first step. And after that, getting momentum is so much easier. (25:05)

What You’ll Learn

  • Her business beginnings as a side hustle before turning it into a full-time gig
  • How her husband’s illness forced them to rethink their work situation
  • How she avoids shiny object syndrome when it comes to courses 
  • The power of teamwork in juggling business and life



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One Productivity Tool She Uses – Passion Planner:

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