A Zen Space: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater

If you were to look at my Instagram feed, you’ll notice my latest IG posts are Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater and its surrounding foliage. It’s safe to say that if my husband and I were told by a genie in a bottle that we could have any house in the world (regardless of price or …

How to Find What Sparks Joy In the Decluttering Process

sparks-joy-2-750Most organization books focus on decluttering as a priority – and with good reason. Go to any typical North American home and you’ll notice we have such an overabundance of stuff. From old kitchen utensils to unused appliances and overstuffed drawers, there’s very good reason for space clearing.

While I always find doing a five-minute …

5 Tiny House Tips You Can Use For Your Living Space

People choose to live in a tiny house for a variety of reasons. One includes the ability to pay for a house in full as opposed to being tied down to a traditional, 30-year mortgage. Another reason is to downsize their current possessions and live more intentionally after frustrations with the current work and spend …

World Domination Summit: Book Publishing 101

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to get your book published? As a college English major during the pre-internet days, there weren’t many publishing options. Nowadays there are plenty of choices. Is one necessarily better than the other? I’ve heard conflicting stories. That traditional publishing is better because it’s more credible. Or that self-publishing …