004: Karen Trepte on Figuring It All Out

Karen Trepte shares how to enjoy the journey for business, life and juggling it all! I’ve personally worked with Karen before and find her presence so calming. You may too if you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t know where to start and need a breather. Hear from this world traveler, family woman, and more!

Who is Karen?

003: Tiffany Beverlin on Literally Following Your Dreams to Start Your Own Business

Who is Tiffany?

Tiffany Beverlin was born outside London and came to the U.S. after graduating from University. She then quickly married and gave up her burgeoning career to stay home and raise three children. During her fifteenth year of marriage—and after a decade out of the workforce—Tiffany was forced to recycle her life. She …

002: Erin McElroy on How to Quit Your Day Job to Travel the World

Who is Erin?

I met Erin at World Domination Summit in Portland, OR, at the Book Publishing 101 seminar. Not only is she super friendly, but she inspires and facilitates change in the world without and the world within. She combines her professional experience guiding organizations through change in the corporate setting with her …

001: Pat Romain on Self-Care in Business and Life

In this first episode, Pat Roman discusses how mindset and self-care are important for both business and life. I’ve had the privilege of meeting Pat at a women’s small business event in New York City and have to say, this #ladyboss has some mega positive energy and an optimistic life outlook that’s super contagious! So listen in, …

000: Welcome to Simply Designed Life Podcast

In this welcome episode, Simply Designed Life Podcast host Lori Rochino briefly discusses the why and purpose behind the show. If you’re new to the podcast, please start here before digging into the episodes.

Simply Designed Life Podcast was created to serve women entrepreneurs who want to simplify their busy lives in order to make room …

How to Declutter Your Life 80/20 Style

There are many demands on our time, which is a very precious resource that equals our life energy. There’s not only our “in real life” or “IRL” persona which includes work, family, and other obligations, but also our digital life, which includes social media, texts, cell phones and email. With all that’s going on, there’s …

6 Ways to Make Your New Year’s Resolution Stick


The beginning of each year feels like a clean slate. It’s the chance to make improvements in your life by trying something different. It’s also a chance to cross off some of the items on your life bucket list. You make a new year’s resolution to lose weight, find a new job, get promoted in …

5 Ways to Clear Your Head for Better Focus

lori-rochino-focusMy preschooler’s secondhand iPad totally crashed the other day because there were over 10,000 videos and pictures of random things like the ice cream he ate, the people he hung out with—even the washing machine’s digital screen (for some reason he likes watching the red, LED-lit numbers descend).

Has your brain ever felt like that? …

Reflections on Last Year’s Big Conferences

conferences4For the most part, conferences and events are GREAT and I love them. The opportunity to develop personally and professionally is just priceless. Sure you can participate in lots of Facebook groups, and they certainly have their place. Online though, you just can’t get the same vibe of a person or space in the same …

How to Be an Entrepreneur and Quickly Grow an Instagram Following

instagram-followingI’m super excited to introduce you to Katie Harp! Katie is is a twenty-something, Seattle based, serial entrepreneur and web designer. She is the founder of Rebelsaurus, the mustache-toting, status-quo-breaking website that helps entrepreneurs make websites that are more fun than a camel on Hump Day.

Katie is on a mission to change the world …