014: Ariel Rule on Digital Marketing and the Freedom Based Lifestyle

Want to know how a business gets created out of necessity? Ariel shares her beginnings as a web designer and soon after, her transition to online marketing, writing and strategy, after growing her husband’s company into a 6-figure business.

While she knew nothing about marketing when she first started out, she was able to pick up clues …

013: Jennifer Buchholz on Solo Travel for Self-Discovery

Solo travel for women, in particular, can sometimes feel like a scary endeavor. On the one hand, there are lots of unknowns, along with feelings of vulnerability. On the other hand, it can be a great catalyst for personal growth and empowerment in getting one out of the proverbial comfort zone to see what one …

012: Chelann Gienger on Leading the Entrepreneur Before 25 Movement

Do you ever think to yourself, “I’m too old” or “too young” to write that book / run that marathon / start that business / insert life goal here? In this episode, Chelann Gienger shares her entrepreneurial journey, which started at just 15-years old.

She’s living proof you could never be too young (or old) to do …

011: Julie Zuzek and the Inner Game of Business

Do you want to know what it feels like to leap into the unknown without a safety net? Many feel quitting a day job to start a business is nothing more than a pipe dream. And it can be because it is a lot of work. But if you’re smart about it, and can tune …

010: Jennifer Ghymn on Writing and the Interculture Life

Let’s face it. The Internet has made it so easy to find just about anything you could ever want to learn about with a quick Google search. But what happens when you can’t find exactly what you’re looking for? That’s what happened with my recent guest, who was searching for Asian-American cultural information that she could …

008: Teliah Gienger on Balancing Acts in Business and Life

Who is Teliah?

Teliah is the owner of Renu Hot Yoga, NUYU Juice Bar, and the host of The Balancing Act Podcast, where she interviews women entrepreneurs on balancing personal and business life. Aside from those three, she coaches personal clients on developing healthy habits. She loves every joy, opportunity, challenge and growth moment that

007: Laurie Davis on Finding Love Online


What can I say? Laurie Davis Edwards is amazing! I first met Laurie way back in the day, during the beginning of her entrepreneurship journey. It’s exciting to hear how she and her business evolved. Have a listen!

Who is Laurie?

Laurie Davis Edwards is the Founder and CEO of eFlirt, an online dating Concierge …

006: Kathy Peterman on How to Retire and Simplify Life

Want to hear how to retire early for a life of new adventures? Listen to Kathy Peterman speak about simplifying life, traveling and other experiments in lifestyle design.


Who is Kathy?

Kathy Peterman chose to retire early and begin the adventure of finding “herself.” After working full-time for more than 33 years first as …