024: Cassie Parks on Lifestyle Design and Money Mindset

The idea of lifestyle design may seem great in theory, but how do you go about achieving your ideal life from where you are right now? A lot of it comes down to clarity, and not just in the generic sense like, I want to be more happy or I want to have more freedom

023: Lisa Tanner on How to Balance Diapers and Deadlines

How do you balance a freelance writing career with the demands of raising and homeschooling eight kids? That’s what I wanted to know when I spoke with Lisa Tanner who owns and operates Lisa Tanner Writing. Her kids range from 18-months old (at time of interview) to 15 years of age. I’m surprised at how …

022: Bridget Nolan Manley on Creating Space for Judgment Free Parenting

Parenting is no easy feat and kids don’t come with a guidebook when they’re first born. There is obviously no “one-size-fits-all” as everyone grows up in a household with different values, parenting styles and the like. With all the overwhelming parenting advice out there, there’s definitely a need for a judgment free space—and Bridget Nolan …

021: Ali Willoughby on How to Start a Virtual Assistant Business

The beauty of being a business owner is that you can set the rules and choose who you want to work with—you’re the boss after all. You also have the advantage of being able to bring your unique personality into your business, which is what Ali Willoughby did. Knowing your strengths is so important so …

019: Melissa Ricker on Mindset, Mantras and Motherhood Engineered

Leaving a cushy situation isn’t always easy, but having self-awareness, doing the soul searching and creating a logical break-down of steps in the right direction can certainly help in the process.

This week, I’m happy to introduce Melissa Ricker of Engineered Motherhood. Melissa found the constraints of her well-paying job challenging on the limited time she …

018: Ilana Levine on Hollywood, Creativity and Good Karma

Have you seen the 2008 movie Yes Man starring Jim Carey who challenges himself to say ‘yes” to everything for an entire year? That movie comes to mind when I think of my latest conversation with actress, voice over artist and fellow podcaster Ilana Levine. Although her case wasn’t as dramatic as Carey’s, one of

017: Carrie Madormo on the Healthy Work at Home Mom

Career transitions can seem like a daunting challenge for the uninitiated. It’s easier to stay in the comfort zone of the familiarity than to make that decision to change what’s not working. A desire for more family time led Carrie Madormo to look at alternative career alternatives. Google was her friend and she came across the …

016: Tracey Osborne on Work Life Boundaries and Spartan Racing

Sometimes we overcomplicate things in deciding to make that big leap. I love how relatively drama free Tracey Osborne’s transition was from working in corporate to becoming a full-time business owner. Starting her virtual assistant business as a side hustle and having networking ties in her community were a powerful combination in allowing her to quit her full-time

015: Gina Horkey on Business, Family and the Importance of Mastermind Groups for Success

I first came across the term “mastermind” in a beat-up, weathered copy of my father-in-law’s book, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Granted, the original masterminds involved an old school hierarchy of founding father types we read about in school text books. Fast forward today and the you’ll find the “mastermind” has evolved into …