034: Corinne Kerston on Confidence Hacks for Business and Life

Creating a simply designed life in business or life may seem simple in theory, but is not exactly easy in practice. Life happens, things get messy, and not only do we feel the need to manage the day in day out challenges that gets in the way, but also all the mental stuff holding us …

033: Nikita Ross on Fitness and Creating Balance

In creating a simply designed life, as per the podcast’s name, we want to empower people to rightsize in all areas of life, meaning you do what’s right for you and your situation. Also realize that almost nothing gets done in a vacuum—it usually takes incremental steps.

If you’ve ever heard of Tony Robbins’ wheel of …

031: Tammy Pereira on Web and Lifestyle Design

Who is Tammy?

Tammy Pereira is a full-time web designer for over 10-years, and owns Glo Marketing and Syd and Coco. She’s an expert in topics such as: WordPress, digital marketing, web design, tech tutorials, marketing and more. She’s helped hundreds of businesses get online by teaching, consulting and mentoring. She’s grown her business, and …

030: Genecia Alluora Luo and the Soul Rich Woman

Who is Genecia?

Genecia Alluora Luo is the founder of Soul Rich Woman, and former beauty queen turned business coach and maven who now works with businesswomen to equip them with the right tools and knowledge to excel in their industry of choice.

As an entrepreneur, Genecia has learned the ins and outs of starting …

029: Hilary Hendershott and Money Mindset Programming for Success

Who is Hilary?

Hilary Hendershott is the founder of Hilary Hendershott Wealth Management, the leading financial advisory firm for women.

Hilary’s mission is to motivate women to be financially empowered. She has worked for more than 15 years with women who want to preserve their wealth, make it grow, and eliminate financial stress once and …

028: Maria Storgaard and the Downsized Life

Who is Maria?

Maria Storgaard, along with her husband Mortem, has been happily married for 11 years and has been downsizing since spring 2011. Maria is a creative person, loves to research new space saving possibilities, and is a Youtuber at Go Downsize and One Girl, One Suitcase. She loves design and has studied …

027: Megan Hale and the Enoughness Revolution

Who is Megan?

Megan Hale is a retired psychotherapist and relationship coach who guides women and couples to transformative love, authentic self-expression, and soul shifting freedom built on truth, courage, and integrity.

She’s the podcast host of The Enoughness Revolution, a conversation on creating joy in life, work, and love, and the creator of …

026: Britany Felix on Living Unconventionally

Who is Britany?

Britany Felix is a 30-something woman who wants to inspire you to live the life you truly want to livenot the one you’re conditioned to live. She wants to help you find your freedom! In the Spring of 2016, she and her husband quit the highest paying jobs they’d ever …

025: Katie Galmiche-Hooper on Podcasting and Parenting in the City

Who is Katie GH?

Katie is a recent graduate from Northeastern Illinois University, with a degree in Secondary Education and English, and is currently a stay-at-home mom while she tries to land a teaching gig. After having her first baby in May of 2016, she started the New Parent Podcast as a way to give