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054: Fadra Nally on How to Balance Travel Blogging Business with Family Life

I’m happy to say that we’ve hit a milestone and passed 50 episodes of Simply Designed Life Podcast which I’m excited about! The last couple of months, I’ve been attending conferences, learning the latest in the podcasting, blogging, social media marketing and the publishing world. There’s so much that’s gone on, I’d been able to deep dive topics and connect with people in the industry which is particularly exciting! To update on the PMX Competition from Podcast Movement went pretty well, then on to BlogHer for some networking and educational opportunities and then off to MAPCon or Mid-Atlantic Podcast Conference where I had the opportunity to present as a spotlight speaker and got to connect with new faces and reconnect with old friends, also while having the opportunity to have family come with me. So been pretty busy. If you’re interested you can check out the Instagram Feed to see some coverage of the events.

Who is Fadra?

Fadra Nally started her blog, All Things Fadra, in 2009 as a way to showcase her writing and land a “real job.” She soon discovered that life behind a keyboard beats a corner window office any day of the week. Since that time, she’s built partner relationships with brands like Nintendo, National Geographic, Toyota, Disney, Fandango, and Netflix. Her work has been featured on The Stir, Working Mother, J&J Parents, and even inspired Chapter 10 of the well-known marketing book, Groundswell.

In addition to her lifestyle blog, Fadra is also a Founding Contributor at, a women’s travel website, and co-hosts a light-hearted entertainment podcast, Stinger, which focuses on TV and movies.

Quotes from Fadra

I love that I get to have flexibility for my family and I love that flexibility gives me the opportunity to experience things I never thought I would. To go on trips, to meet people, and just have experiences I would not otherwise be able to do. (12:23)

I don’t know if it’s the right way, but I still believe there’s something to be said for working hard, working honestly, and supporting your peers and that’s what I continue to do. My numbers aren’t as big as other people. I still haven’t been offered a job on HGTV although I’m open to it. But I still believe in the path and the method by which I am achieving my own success and I stand by that. (15:48)

And you look at some of these people who are highly successful and you know the millions of followers on Instagram, I mean it’s almost like a modeling shoot. It’s not what the platform started out as. You’ll find a lot of those people crash and burn because they’re tired of their life being posed and on display, and I’m not saying that’s true for everybody, but even those people who reach those traditional levels of success find that they weren’t finding what they were looking for. (20:18)

Don’t look at someone else’s life based on what they’re posting on Facebook or what someone’s posting on Instagram because everybody has challenges, everybody is going through personal struggle, personal crisis and also celebrating successes that you may not be aware of so the biggest thing is just to focus on what makes you happy and what works for your family. (31:44) 


What You’ll Learn

  • How she realized her side hustle can become a full-time career
  • The importance of resourcefulness in online business
  • How she decided to launch a new podcast
  • The pros and cons of owning a business
  • Tips on how to manage work-life balance


Social Media: 
Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

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