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7 Benefits of 80/20 Decluttering

Everyday we’re distracted by technology and the bright shiny objects that cause us to lose our focus. Having an 80/20 mindset can help simplify everyday life immensely.

What is the 80/20 Rule or Pareto Principle? Well, think about it this way. Some things in life aren’t meant to be measured equally. Based on the teachings of Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, the 80/20 Rule teaches that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. Or, if you want to apply this principle for practical application, we could say that we only use about 20% of our wardrobe 80% of the time. Whether you declutter clothes, household items, or task list items, there are some benefits to applying this principle.

Here are 7:

1. It forces you to make a decision.
Half the battle is deciding what to keep and let go of. It’s also deciding what things make you truly happy and align with your life values. What remains is either is probably what you most needed in the first place.

2. There’s less stress with maintenance and upkeep.
Let’s use children’s toys as an example. According to Kim John Payne’s Simplicity Parenting, the average American child has 150 toys. Most kids cannot play with that many toys in one setting. There just aren’t enough hours in the day. It’s best to eliminate all but the few they play with repeatedly. To keep pileup from occurring, regularly evaluate what to keep, what to donate, sell or regift.

3. It’s better for productivity.
Is your desk cluttered? A messy space can equal a messy mind for some. What’s more, if you can’t find something, you will lose time looking for it if you’re disorganized. Try to clear off everything on top of your desk and drawers, only keeping what you use 80% of the time. Be ruthless about getting rid of things you no longer use. Clutter is a form of stuck energy so clearing this will give you space to achieve your goals.

4. You’ll have less decision fatigue.
Do you suffer from the lots-of-clothes-but-nothing-to-wear syndrome? There was a time I hated deciding what outfits to put together in the morning. The 80/20 rule keeps things ridiculously simple. I was once a victim of impulse clothes shopping, but now shop with a critical eye. I opt to own 20% few quality clothes that I wear 80% of the time and it’s made a huge difference in choice fatigue. It’s freed up space in my closets and drawers. I’m able to find things easier in the closet and in drawers use the Marie Kondo’s KonMari method which is a vertical folding system that allows one to see things easier upon opening one’s drawer. (See one of many YouTube videos on her folding techniques.) It does take some getting used too and at first I wasn’t a big fan, but now I love it and have no problems finding stuff!

5. You might also inspire others to declutter.
Your space clearing success may inspire the clutterbugs in your household to tidy up. Once my husband saw how easy it was to access things in drawers and closets, he started decluttering and organizing his stuff too, where once before he wouldn’t have bothered.

6. Your space will have more room.
You’ll be able to see floors. In some cases, you might find you have too much space and may downsize to a smaller home and thus have less of a temptation buy more stuff. (And in a smaller home, you’ll be forced to edit and maintain the flow of things coming in and out of your home.)

7. You’ll free up time for life experiences on your bucket list.
You could volunteer more or finally sign up for that race you wanted to run. You can take more camping trips nearby or book those flights for world travel adventures. And of course, you’ll have more time for friends and family.

While not always easy to implement, 80/20 decluttering will allow you to simplify life. It also allows you to free yourself of the stuff that you don’t need so you’ll have more time for the kind of life you want.

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