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013: Jennifer Buchholz on Solo Travel for Self-Discovery

Solo travel for women, in particular, can sometimes feel like a scary endeavor. On the one hand, there are lots of unknowns, along with feelings of vulnerability. On the other hand, it can be a great catalyst for personal growth and empowerment in getting one out of the proverbial comfort zone to see what one is truly capable of.

In this episode, Jennifer Buchholz brings a twist to the traditional travel industry. She believes that there comes a time in midlife, or a situation happens (maybe divorce, loss/grief, empty nest, or another trigger) that causes a person to want to pause and re-evaluate their lives. It’s a chance to figure out where they’ve been, who they are, and where they’re going. 

Who is Jennifer?

Jennifer Buchholz is the owner of Transform via Travel, where she coaches women to go on journeys of self-discovery using solo travel as a means to get out of their comfort zone and create their future. She has a passion for travel, and for personal growth and development. Her work allows her to combine the two and help others. She is the author of Go Solo! A Savvy Woman’s Guide to Transformation and Self-Discovery Through Travel, and podcast host of Go Solo LIVE!  She also leads introductory solo travel women’s group trips to Chicago and Minneapolis.

Quotes from Jennifer

One of the things I’m finding most necessary is persistence. Persistence is necessary for success right now. It’s that ability to feel like you want to throw the towel in and then get up and keep going the next day, and it’s something I continue to struggle with. There’s no formula for success so the skill of persistence is necessary. (5:45)

That’s one of the things I love about solo travel is that I do try to disconnect from the tech and just have the conversations. You’re much more approachable when you’re traveling solo and I mean that in a really good way… Being able to engage in those conversations without tech in front of us, it makes a huge difference. (13:56)

What You’ll Learn

  • How travel during life transitions (such as midlife, unexpected event like divorce, loss/grief, empty nest, or another trigger) can help in self-evaluation to decide what the next steps in life are
  • How being a niche industry (life coaching / travel) can be both the biggest challenge and the biggest opportunity
  • On New Zealand’s relaxed Kiwi culture, going with the flow and allowing the right things to come at the right time.
  • How solo travel can be a great way to disconnect from the technology and have those authentic conversations so missing today

Resources and How to Connect

Visit Jennifer’s website:

Social Media: Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter

World Domination Summit Foundation (“Scholarships for Real Life”):

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